Guidelines for Creating Scholarships or Awards

1. The preferred recipient of the scholarship, award or bursary should be a woman or someone who identifies as a woman.

Note: In the rare case that there is not a woman who meets the criteria thea man may be chosen.

2. The scholarship must be offered to a student enrolled at Carleton University or the University of Ottawa, or Algonquin College.

3. All recipients must hold Canadian citizenship or have permanent resident status except when specified in the scholarship agreement (e.g. support for a refugee).

4. It must be supported by dedicated funds sufficient to sustain the scholarship in the amount of at least $2,000 per year for a period of 5 years. After the five-year commitment, the donor may continue the award on a year-by-year basis.

  • How do I go about setting up a new Scholarship?

    This is the information you would need to consider and decide on:

1.   The award amount on an annual basis (min. $2,000).
2.  The education facility: Carleton University, University of Ottawa or Algonquin College.
3.    Whether the scholarship is at the undergraduate level in general (or specify year of study, 1st to 4th) or at the graduate level in general (or specify Masters or PhD). For Algonquin either a diploma or degree granting program where the year of study may also be specified.
4.    Area of study. This can be left open, or be general (e.g. Science or Music) or you can designate a certain discipline (e.g. Physics, Women Studies).
5.    Degree of achievement. Not specified, or either a high, or a moderate/good, level of academic standing.
6.    Demonstration of financial need (usually handled as a bursary). (If yes, then maybe a moderate level of achievement should be combined with this.)
7.    Any specific requirements: e.g. earmarking the scholarship for a mature student, an indigenous student, a student with disabilities or something else.
8.    Possible name for the award.
  1. NOTE (for points 4-7 above): We encourage these details to be left as broad as possible, in order to make it easier for the universities to find suitable candidates for the scholarship.

After you have considered all of the above, please contact the Chair of the Scholarship Trust Fund at Once the details are confirmed and we have received your donation we will work with the institution you have chosen to set up your scholarship. You will be involved and informed at all stages of the discussion.

Guidelines for donors wishing to leave a donation in their will to establish a scholarship

You, as a donor must clearly state in your will that a bequest (either in cash or stocks) is to go to the “CFUW-Ottawa Scholarship Trust Fund”.  Any specific wishes for defining the scholarship (as noted above) should also be communicated either within your will, or in a separate document that outlines your wishes, that is filed with your lawyer, trust company or executor. You may also communicate your wishes in advance in writing directly to CFUW-Ottawa Scholarship Trust Fund.

The Trustees of the Scholarship Trust Fund are pleased to receive enquiries about setting up new scholarships and welcome your proposals and ideas: for example, suggestions that might target students from certain backgrounds or with specific aims that our present awards do not address.

Please email your suggestion to Or talk to us when you see us at an event or a meeting.


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