CFUW Member Publications
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De Baar, Klothild (Kati Lyon-Villiger), (78 titles published in 9 languages)
Edwards, Nancy,
Kubanek, Ingeborg, My Journey (Ottawa, 2015)
Phillips, Dorothy Anne, Victor and Evie(Montreal & Kingston, London, Chicago, 2017).
Shemdin, Gouhar & Hazar, Hazim Beg Shemdin Agha A Kurdish Personality (Fair Oaks, USA, 2015). (book award winner: Northern California Publishers and Authors)
Zandstra, Ilse,
In October 2017 The National Film Board of Canada listed “Baseball Girls” as #1 on:
The 10 Best Films of the 1990s playlist on YouTube:
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHerjfWGX0CXOPCqxRgFfLnESeyUCwDamLink to the film: https://www.nfb.ca/film/baseball_girls/
Official Blogpost: http://blog.nfb.ca/blog/2017/10/31/the-best-nfb-films-of-the-1990s/
Here’s more information:
Website for the film: http://www.siegelproductions.ca/bbgirls.htm
Six Stories, by Lois Siegel, is the 14h issue in a special series of digital and print chapbooks to honor the poets and writers who have published in the St. Andrews Review or through the St. Andrews University Press since 1969.
Siegel, Lois. Six Stories. St. Andrews Review, 2016
You can purchase the book on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Lois-Siegel-Stories-Digital-Chapbook/dp/1530625645
You can also borrow it from the Ottawa library: https://ottawa.bibliocommons.com/item/show/1022826026_six_storiesPart of the Studies in Immigration and Culture series published by the University of Manitoba Press, the book documents the experiences of English-born immigrants who came to Canada between the 1940s and 1970s.
Barber, Marilyn and Murray Watson. Invisible Immigrants : The English in Canada Since 1945. University of Manitoba Press, March 2015, more.
See a brief notice on page 2 of the May 2016 issue of Capital Carillon, the CFUW-Ottawa newsletter. See also Carleton University's publication notice with archival photos by clicking here.
When Ruth asked the head of a major bank why qualified women weren’t being appointed to its board of directors, she was told to “be a nice girl…” The lines were drawn...
Bell, Ruth M. Be a "Nice" Girl! : A Woman's Journey in the 20th Century. Andrea McCormick Communications, 2004, more.
To purchase a copy of the book, contact CFUW-Ottawa member Marion Cameron.
Value Our Past...
Towards Equality for Women : A Chronology of Change and Achievements 1640-2010
An eight poster display about the history of the Women’s Movement in Canada developed as a Club Centenary Project and for the 2010 CFUW AGM by Marilyn Letts and the CFUW Local Arrangements Program Committee. Each poster covers a period of history and is organized in five areas: Associations, Suffrage/Rights/Role in Society, Education, Literature/Art/Media and Sports.
CFUW AGM 2010 Local Arrangements Program Committee. Value Our Past... Towards Equality for Women : A Chronology of Change and Achievements / compiled by Marilyn Letts and the Committee. Colour By Design, July 2010, more
Joy Forbes, CFUW/Kanata, has written a history of the one-room school houses of the Ottawa Valley and the crucial role they played in the community.
Forbes, Joy. Perseverance, Pranks and Pride - Tales of the One-Room Schoolhouse. Joyful Creations, 2010, more
From Monica With Love : Sketches of the Life of an English Quebecer in the Early 20th Century
Dorothy Horwood, one of our longtime active members, has written a memoir of her mother, Monica Philbrick Flannery (1898-1996), based on Monica’s letters, notes and conversations with Dorothy.
Horwood, Dorothy M. From Monica With Love : Sketches of the Life of an English Quebecer in the Early 20th Century. Baico Publishing, 2013, more
See the article about this book on page 8 of the May 2013 issue of Capital Carillon, the CFUW-Ottawa newsletter.
The Amber Coast : A Latvian Family’s Journey
The Amber Coast is the story of one family’s flight from war-torn Latvia, its struggle to survive, and then, to gather strength and begin again in a new country--first in Sweden and then in Canada.
Zandstra, Ilse. The Amber Coast : A Latvian Family's Journey. Llumina Press, 2010, more